[as amended 12th January 2024]
Please note that men’s competitions are played under the SCBA banner.
Please note that women’s competitions are played under the SCWBA banner.
The following definitions apply in this document where in italics
Singles means: Unbadged and Singles Championships/Competitions and Junior Singles
Pairs means: Pairs and Under 25 Pairs Championships/Competitions
Fours means: Fours and Senior Fours Championships/Competitions
Challenger means: the first-named person/team in the draw.
Following the area changes, any further permanent movement of clubs to another Area and/or Division must have the agreement of both Associations.
The Competition Secretaries for both Associations may move clubs from one division and/or area to another division and/or area to balance the number of entries in any competition. Players affected will be notified before the draws for the competitions are published.
1.1. All County Championships shall be played in accordance with the current Laws of the Sport of Bowls and in accordance with these Rules as made by Bowls Surrey. Other competitions not covered by these rules are; Walter Cross Trophy, Top Four, Benevolent Triples, Phyl Hill Trophy and Palm Trophy.
1.2. In addition, County Championships leading to National Championships shall be played in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of Bowls England.
1.3. Details of which Championships lead to the National Championships can be found in paragraph 9.
1.4. In Pairs, Triples, Fours and Senior Fours Championships/Competitions, all playing members must be members of the same affiliated club. In the Junior Pairs both players must be from clubs affiliated to Bowls Surrey.
1.5. The dates of all rounds of the County Championships/Competitions for both Associations shall be arranged by the relevant Association in consultation with the BS Competition Co-ordinator and Competition Secretaries and shall be published annually on the County Website(s).
1.6. Regardless of the number of rounds required in all competitions, round 1 will commence on the same date for all areas.
1.7. The challenger shall be responsible for all match arrangements including the choice of green. All County Championships/Competitions shall be played with a start time no earlier than 6pm on weekdays or 10am at weekends. A game may be started earlier by mutual agreement. Matches must start within 30 minutes of the arranged time unless otherwise agreed.
1.8. Prior to the Quarter-Finals all County Championships/Competitions that have a “play-on” date shall normally be played by the dates specified on the County website(s). However, by mutual agreement, such matches may be played on an earlier date. In the absence of such an agreement they shall be played on the specified date.
1.9. Play-by Dates
1.9.1. For County Championships/Competitions that have a “play-by” date. In the first or preliminary rounds the Challenger shall contact their opponent at least 2 weeks prior to the closing date of that round.
1.9.2. In subsequent rounds, prior to the Quarter final, the Challenger must contact the opponent within 48 hours of the closing date of the previous round. The Opponent must respond within 48 hours.
1.9.3. In all rounds the Challenger must offer 3 dates on different days of the week. At least one must be a weekend date and another must be a weekday date.
1.9.4. If the Opponent has not been challenged within the 48-hour period, the opponent shall become the Challenger. The new Challenger must offer 3 dates as per 1.8.3 within 48 hours of becoming the new Challenger. The match shall be played on the green of the new challengers’ choice. The new Opponent must respond within 48 hours.
1.9.5. Should there be any problems in contacting an opponent or adhering to this rule, a Competition Secretary must be advised, and their ruling shall be final.
1.10. If any player knows they are going on holiday they must contact their opponent at the earliest opportunity, whether they are the challenger or not, in order that every effort to arrange the game is made.
1.11. The draw for rink/s to be played on shall be made in accordance with the current Laws of the Sport of Bowls (Law 3.1). For a match requiring one rink, a minimum of two rinks shall be offered to the opponent. For a match requiring more than one rink, the minimum number of rinks offered shall be at least equal to the number of rinks required.
1.12. The the County Co-ordination and/or Competition Secretaries shall contact the EBUA Regional Co-ordinator to appoint umpires as and when necessary. With regard to appointing markers the County Co-ordinator/Competition Secretaries shall contact EBUA and Surrey Markers in the first instance. Only if they are unable to assist should markers be contacted by the County Co-ordinator/Competition Secretaries directly.
1.13. Those players who enter any competitions leading to the National Championships MUST BE PREPARED to represent the County at Leamington.
2.1. The County Championships/Competitions shall be confined to members of clubs affiliated to Bowls Surrey.
2.2. Any player who has been awarded a county badge by any other county can play for their Surrey badge in all Surrey Championships/Competitions, including the unbadged singles.
2.3. All entries shall be made by clubs using the on-line County affiliation system during the affiliation period.
2.4. Competitors may not play in any County Championship/Competition from more than one club in any one year. Should a club close after the affiliation period has closed, the members of that club may be permitted, for one season only, to compete under the name of that club irrespective of which club they have since joined.
2.5. In the event of club closure, the champion of that club may play under the name of that closed club for one season only in the Champion of Champions competition.
2.6. If a competitor chooses to change Clubs after the affiliation period has closed, that competitor will forfeit their entries into the Championships/Competitions.
2.7. It is the responsibility of all competitors to update their contact details online or contact a Competition Secretary. In all instances they should notify their Club Secretary. Failure to update their contact details can result in the competitor’s entry being terminated.
3.1. The winner of each round shall either enter their result on-line or telephone the result to the relevant Competition Secretary no later than 10 p.m. on the day the game is played.
3.2. In the case of all pairs, triples and fours, the names of the players playing in each game shall be entered on-line or communicated to the Competition Secretary by telephone.
3.3. A team receiving a walkover must update the online system with the names of their full team or notify the Competition Secretary, if not already entered, before entering a result.
3.4. A team must indicate either online or to a Competition Secretary, if a substitute has been used.
3.5. All scorecards should be kept and, if requested, presented to the Competition Secretary. Scorecards must bear correctly, the full names of all the competitors concerned and shall be signed by the loser or losing skip.
3.6. Failure to observe these clauses, may result in the competitor(s) being disqualified.
4.1. Singles of any kind: if a player becomes aware that they will be unable to play in any later round, they are REQUIRED TO CONCEDE THE NEXT game to their opponent. Failure to do so shall render the offender liable to exclusion from all County Championships/Competitions in the following season at the discretion of Competition Secretaries.
4.2. Prior to the commencement of the Quarter-Final round of the Championships, competitors will be asked to confirm their availability to play in succeeding rounds leading to the National Championships. If it is known that the competitors (including 1 substitute where appropriate) cannot play in any future round they are required to concede the Quarter-Final game to their opponents.
5.1. In all Pairs, Triples, and Fours, the players taking part in the first game shall constitute the team.
5.2. The named person at affiliation may not act as a substitute for another team in the same Championship/Competition.
5.3. One additional and the same player may be used as a substitute at any time provided they have not already played in or entered that Championship/Competition. They may play in any position provided the game has not commenced.
5.4. In mixed pairs the two players taking part in the first match constitute the original team and shall normally play together throughout the competition. One and the same male and/or the same female player may be used as a substitute at any time, providing that they have not already played or entered the same competition. However, at least one of the original pair shall play in every round.
5.5. In mixed fours the four players taking part in the first match constitute the original team and shall normally play together throughout the competition. One and the same male and/or the same female player may be used as a substitute at any time, providing that they have not already played or entered the same competition. However, at least one of the original men and one of the original women shall play in every round.
5.6. In exceptional circumstances, the team may request the use of an additional player. Such a request must be made immediately to the County Secretary who will seek agreement from Bowls England if appropriate.
6.1. If accident(s) roadworks or other situations beyond the competitor’s ability to control, result in traffic gridlock over an area beyond the immediate neighbourhood, i.e. precluding alternative routes, every effort shall be made by all competitors concerned to allow the game to take place, irrespective of the original starting time arranged. Should these efforts be frustrated, neither side may claim the game and a Competition Secretary shall be informed of the position as soon as possible; that Competition Secretary, whose decision shall be final, shall make alternative match arrangements.
6.2. If bad weather results in the green becoming unplayable, every endeavour must be made to find another green on which to play. If this is not possible every effort must be made to play the match as soon as possible, but shall be before the date of the next round. If this is not possible a Competition Secretary should be contacted and their decision will be final.
The relevant Competition Secretary shall be informed as soon as possible if such a stoppage prevents a match from being played or completed by or on the specified date.
6.3. Should there be a Government red alert for the Surrey region, Bowls Surrey will issue a ruling as to whether the relevant competition(s) shall be played or re-arranged no less than 24 hours in advance of the competition. Should the competitions have to be re-arranged they MUST be completed before the date of the next round.
6.4. For unfinished matches where five ends or more have been played, and where it is impossible to re-arrange a match, the score will stand as the result. If the score is a tie or fewer than five ends have been completed, then the result shall be decided on the toss of a coin, or by mutual agreement.
6.5. Where the match can be re-arranged the game shall be played from where it was stopped, although trial ends are permitted before the recommencement of the competition.
6.6. It is hoped that every game can be played but it is recognised there are some instances where a player is excessively late in arriving. The non-offending player may claim the game after waiting 30 minutes from the agreed start time.
NB. However, we would like to think the non-offending player would give consideration to the circumstances.
7.1. Games shall be played only upon greens with a suitable playing surface which shall be level and of at least 31metres in length, exclusive of banks and ditches. The Council/ Executive Committee shall have power to inspect any green to ensure suitability.
7.2. Where the green chosen by the challenger, as drawn, does not conform with Rule 7.1, and where the green of the opponent, as drawn, does conform with the said Rule, the game shall be played on the opponent’s green and he/she shall become the challenger, for the purpose of the game.
7.3. Where the greens of both competitors do not conform with Rule 7.1, the game shall be played on a neutral green by mutual arrangement.
7.4. Outdoor synthetic surfaces are acceptable provided it conforms with 7.1
7.5. All protests about the condition and fitness of a green must be made before the commencement of the sixth end of a game. The playing of the game must cease and the nearest Competition Secretary contacted immediately either directly by telephone or through the appropriate Competition Secretary. The Guidelines for Greens Secretarys (Appendix A) will come into operation to determine the outcome.
7.6. Competitors may not smoke on or within 1 metre of the green whilst playing a County Championship or Competition. (This includes electronic cigarettes).
7.7. The use of electronic devices (including mobile phones) on the green is prohibited during all games.
8.1. Should the need arise to move club(s) into a different area , both the club(s) & area(s) shall be consulted before any decision is taken by the Bowls Surrey Board;
8.2. The areas and divisions are relevant for all Championship/Competition entries where applicable including: Walter Cross Trophy, Top Four, Benevolent Triples, Phyl Hill Trophy and Palm Trophy.
9.1. General:
9.1.1. In the case of a tie an extra end or ends shall be played to determine a result. The captains or skips shall toss a coin, the winner having the right to decide who shall play first
9.1.2. On the day of a competition or game no competitor shall play on the same rink before the commencement of such competition or game.
9.1.3. For all competitions, an entrance fee shall be paid by each entrant (with the exception of the Officers’ Bowl (SCBA) Officers’ Cup (SCWBA))
9.2. Championship Singles. Each game shall consist of 21 shots – four bowls each player. The finalists qualify to represent the County at the National Championships.
9.3. Championship Pairs (Two players from the same club). Each game shall consist of 18 ends – four bowls each player. The finalists qualify to represent the County at the National Championships.
9.4. Championship Triples (Three players from the same club). Each game shall consist of 18 ends – three bowls each player. The finalists qualify to represent the County at the National Championships.
9.5. Championship Fours (Four players from the same club). Each game shall consist of 18 ends – two bowls each player. The finalists qualify to represent the County at the National Championships.
9.6. Championship Two‐Wood Singles. Each game shall consist of 21 ends – two bowls each player. The finalists qualify to represent the County at the National Championships.
9.7. Championship Senior Fours (Four players from the same club). Players shall be 55 years and over on the 1st April of the year of the Championship. Each game shall consist of 18 ends – two bowls each player. The winners qualify to represent the County at the National Championships.
9.8. Championship Junior Singles. Each game shall consist of 21 shots – four bowls each player. The Championships shall be open to all Members of affiliated Clubs who have not attained their 25th birthday on the 1st April in the year of the Championship. The finalists qualify to represent the County at the National Championships.
9.9. Championship Junior Pairs. Each game shall consist of 18 ends – four bowls each player The Championships shall be open to all Members of affiliated Clubs who have not attained their 25th birthday on the 1st April in the year of the Championship. The two players may belong to separate clubs within the County as long as both players are members of affiliated clubs. The winners qualify to represent the County at the National Championships.
9.10. Champion of Champions Competition. Each game shall consist of 21 shots – four bowls each player. The competition is open to the club champions of the immediate past season who continue as members of the club of which they are champions. Should the club of which the competitor is the current champion cease to exist, the member may be permitted, to compete under the name of that club irrespective of which club or clubs they have joined. However, the player must be a member of an affiliated club and play all County Championships and Competitions from that club. Finalists in this competition do NOT qualify for the National Championships
9.11. Unbadged Singles Competition. Each game shall consist of 21 shots – four bowls each player. Only players who have not previously qualified to play for their County
Badge are eligible to enter this Competition. Finalists in this competition do NOT qualify for the National Championships.
9.12. Palm Trophy Competition (SCWBA) & Wessier Cup (SCBA). This is a singles Competition open to all Members of affiliated clubs who have not attained their 31st birthday on the 1st April in the year of the competition. Depending on the number of entries there shall be two groups of players; competitors shall play each other within their drawn group. The winner of each group shall play each other in a final.
9.13. Mixed Pairs Competition. (Two players from the same affiliated club, team shall consist of 1 male & 1 female). Each game shall consist of 18 ends – four bowls each player. Finalists in this competition do NOT qualify for the National Championships
9.14. Mixed Fours (Four players from the same affiliated club, team shall consist of 2 male & 2 female). Each game shall consist of 18 ends – two bowls each player. Finalists in this competition do NOT qualify for the National Championships.
9.15. Officer’s Singles Competition (Officer’s Cup (SCWBA) , Officer’s Bowl (SCBA)). Each game shall consist of 21 shots – four bowls each player. Eligibility to enter:
County – All, Board, Management committee & Area committee members, also those who have to report to the Board & Management committee.
Bowling sections of Clubs only – President, Chairperson, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Match / fixture Secretary, Competition Secretary, Captains & Vice captains, Safeguarding Officer and County Delegate. Finalists in this competition do NOT qualify for the National Championships
9.16. Top Four, This is a club entry, please see separate rules pertaining to this competition on the website. 10. COUNTY FINALS.
10.1. The latter stages of competitions including finals, shall be played on greens determined by the Bowls Surrey Competition Coordinator and the team of competition secretaries.
10.2. The Mixed Pairs and Mixed Fours semi-finals and final will be played in conjunction with the Top Fours semi-finals and final over a weekend in September.
Please see Appendix B
Smoking and Anti-Doping Smoking on the green is prohibited during all matches played under the jurisdiction of Bowls England & Bowls Surrey. For the purpose of clarification, the ‘green’ in this instance is deemed to include a minimum of 1 metre of the bank surrounding the playing area. Should the Club where the game is being played have a total ban on smoking on its premises, the Club prohibition shall apply. Failure to adhere to this shall result in disqualification.
This prohibition includes all electronic cigarettes & vaping.
Guidelines for Competition Secretaries on receipt of a complaint of an unfit rink.
These guidelines are solely concerned with a game in progress.
Under Rule 7.5 of the Competition Rules and Regulations
All protests about the condition and fitness of a green must be made before the commencement of the sixth end of a game. The playing of the game must cease, and the nearest a Competition secretary contacted immediately, either directly by phone or text. The Guidelines for Competition Secretary (Appendix A) will come into operation to determine the outcome.
The Competition Secretary will inspect the green within 24 hours. If the Competition Secretary certifies that the green is unfit for play the home club will be informed immediately and arrangements will be made for the game to be played on the opponent’s green at the discretion of the Competition Secretary. Should the Competition Secretary certify the green fit to play, the game must be resumed from the point it ceased. Should play continue other than on the original day, trial ends will be permitted. The decision of the Competition Secretary relating to all protests under this rule shall be final and binding on all competitors concerned.
Actions to be taken by the attending Secretary
1. On receiving a complaint either directly from a player or the Competition Secretary the Secretary must attend the venue as soon as possible or if unable to attend arrange for a replacement to attend.
2. The Secretary shall familiarise himself with the details of the complaint and after visually assessing the rink, bowl to a short, medium and long jack on both hands.
3. He should note the consistency of the draw or lack thereof, at least two bowls on each hand to the stated lengths shall be bowled.
4. If in the opinion of the Secretary the rink is of a standard to permit fair competition, play will continue as dictated in the rule (see above). The matter will then be closed: no appeal will be allowed.
5. If the opinion is that the rink is not fit, rule in 7.5 (see above) will operate.
6. If the game cannot be decided as set out above, then arrangements must be made for the game to be completed before the date of the following round.
Representing Bowls Surrey at the Leamington in the Championships.
Players may arrive in mufti, then change to official Surrey County attire to play.
Representing Bowls Surrey at the Leamington in the Bowls England run National competitions.
If Playing in a National competition, players may play in their Club colours or County colours, however, in all circumstances in a team event all players must wear the same.
Sandals shall not be permitted in events under jurisdiction of Bowls England, except in medical circumstances where a doctor’s note has been provided.
From the quarter final stage onwards, competitors must play in their Clubs colours both above & below the waist. If playing in a team competition, all players must wear the same uniform, failure to do so may result in a team being disqualified.
SCBA Middleton Cup
All squad members are expected to arrive in the official Middleton Cup uniform. Then change into the official county playing attire. At the completion of the match change back into their official travelling attire.
Should a Player(s) fail to abide by the Dress Code Rules, it may result in the player(s) and/or his (their) team being eliminated from the competition.