Club AGM – 9 Dec 2023



MINUTES of AGM held on Saturday 9th December 2023 at 10:00am

Present: Janet Ansell, Steve Aylin-White, Cherie Banfield, Coral Byland, Liz Cargill, Freda Dixon, Peter Gay, Denise George, Ivor Gillespie, Richard Harrington, Anne Hawksley, Peter Hawksley, Elaine

Hudson, Ron Hudson, Colin Hunt, Jan Ledwich, Michael Ledwich, Carol Lloyd, Peter Newington, Gill

Oliver, Frances O’Neill, Peter Prizzie, Marilyn Shaw, Colin Squires, Bob Stent, Allan Weller, Michael Weller, Brian Wilson, Peter O’Malley, Eileen O’Malley, Jackie Elliott, Mel Hoskins, Tessa Loader, Gill Oliver, Dave Martin, Les Lightfoot, Claire Frost-Gaskin, Tony Thomas, Christine Hurley, Brian Farley, Räy Baughan, Richard Wells,

Apologies: David File, Dorothy File, Peter O’Malley, Eileen O’Malley, Nan Bennett, Liz Conroy, Steve

Cornford, Graham Thomson, Susan Munday, Andrew Munday, Brian Hudgell, Sue Hudgell, Carol

Lloyd, Elaine Fawcett, Irene Bennett, Tony Buckee, Lally King, Jan Gillespie, Terry Sweeny, Peter

Brownlow, Mark Clark, Steve Wilson, Colin Grey, Jean Marlow, Janet Hodges, Sarah Keller, Rea Berry,

Ian Griffiths, Alison Griffiths, Lesley Ord, Harold Hyde, Sue Stone, Rosemary Scott, Dolly Blake

To Receive and Adopt the minutes of the previous AGM held on 3rd December 2022 The minutes were read out and adopted as a true record. Proposed by Bob Stockwefl and seconded by Brian Wilson. By a show of hands unanimously approved.

Matters Arising:

Denise George pointed out that she and Tessa Loader did not win the Surrey ladies pairs but the Marathan pairs. There were no other matters arising.

President’s Report:

Welcome and thank you to everybody for attending this year’s AGM.

Before we commence, I would like us all to pause and think of those members who have endured trying health conditions and those who have passed during the year. I speak of course of Eddie Conroy and most recently Alex Bennett. Can I ask to please stand and join me in a minute’s silence.

This past year håS been, as far as I’m concerned, particularly successful in all the formats we participate in, In particular, I should mention the ladies both in team competitions and individually. You will I’m sure, be appraised of successes from both the Men’s and Ladies’ Captains in a short while. Having mentioned captains, I would like to thank them for leading the club in both league and friendly matches and I include Vice Captains and all the stand in members for taking over in the friendlies.

Our Finals Weekend this year I believe was a success and it was good to see so many members coming along on both days. Once again, my congratulations to the winners and runners up for making it to the finals. I want to say a particular thank you to Alison Griffith for her invaluable assistance in both the organising and on the weekend itself.

The clubs one day competitions to my mind, have benefited from now having a One Day Event Group. Being one of those who sits on the group I can vouch for how much time and effort is put in to ensure competitions run smoothly.

The Social Team ably run by Janet Ansell, once again provided the club with well organised social events both on and off the green and, in particular, I thank her and her team for a very memorable Presidents Day.

No AGM is complete without mentioning the club’s major asset I.e. our green. Once again Brian Wilson and his team have given not only us, a great green to bowl on, but visiting teams and Surrey Bowls who for the second year running, have requested its use for their competitions.

want to make mention of our evolving youth section so ably run by Sarah, Jan and coaching from Coral. It has been running for around a year and is successful insomuch as membership, has increased. I am pleased to say that includes some very promising girls. So, credit to the team for driving it to where it is today.

On behalf of the members a thank you goes to our secretary and treasurer for the huge amount of work they put in on behalf of the club.

The past year has been one of the best that I can remember. Not just in terms of bowling success but, in how the club is run. Our more recent members have entered into the spirit of the club both playing wise and socially. Iti s to our credit that our numbers have risen to nearly 150.

I have overheard conversations from visitors indicating their envy at our success in raising membership numbers. All down to how welf the club is run and our welcoming of everyone. I cannot think of any clubs who don’t enjoy coming to Horley. In particular, mention is made by visitors, of our well stocked bar, merit for which goes to David, Denise and the bar team.

I said at last years AGM how proud I was to be asked to take on the Presidents role of the club that has given me so much over the past 30 years. I hope I have done a respectable job and look forward to doing so again in 2024. All that has taken place at the club over 2023 should make us all proud of the successes. Long may they continue.

Steve was thanked for his report.

To Receive and adopt the Treasurer’s report and accounts:

Paul Kimber said he hoped everyone would agree that this last year was another successful year for Horley Bowling Club, both indoors and out. We had more than our fair share of success on the green, and enjoyed an excellent social scene that always adds an extra layer of camaraderie to our club.

This club is of course totally self-supporting, generating our own income and paying our own way. Although we are a ‘not for profit’ sports club, it’s always nice to end the year earning more than we spend. Obviously, this is not always the case.

This year we spent around 11% more than we earned, i.e. just over €4,400 However, this includes El, 700 on a PA system together with some necessary repairs and including El,100 on pipework repairs, El,500 on the steel water cabinet and meter and E3.500 on a new boiler amounting to El 1,000 or 25% of our total expenditure.

Our biggest outlay is, as usual the green at over E8,700 or 20% of total spend. Despite price increases, Brian and his green team have managed to keep costs down by bringing in-house some of the work previously outsourced. Our green continues to be held in high regard by players from different clubs saying it’s the best green they play on.

Our biggest source of income is of course the bar, at over E14,OOO or almost 35% of total income. Inevitably the price of drinks go up but I think that the excellent duo David and Denise have done a great job in keeping selling prices as low as possible making it still a place where you won’t need a second mortgage to enjoy a drink.

We have very stable membership numbers which results in membership fees amounting to well over El 1,000 or 25% of club income. What is particularly pleasing is the Fairley substantial income from short mat bowling at just over €4,000. You may be interested to know we have taken E2,300 so far this so we are on track to exceed last year’s total.

Finally, we finished the financial year with a very healthy balance of €46,000 in the bank with our reserves starting to earn a little interest.

May our greens be smooth, our pints affordable and our membership fees be painless.

Paul was thank for his diligence and detailed report.

To Receive and adopt the Mens and Ladies lawn bowls and short mat Captains:

Tony Buckee for the men apologised he could not be in attendance but submitted his report.

Tony said when he took over from Richard Harrington as captain he wanted as Richard did to stay up in the top division of the men’s East Surrey League. This was achieved in both years especially as we finished fourth in the league in both years which is the highest that Horley had ever achieved in all the years they had been in this league. We also achieved wins against Old Couisdon both home and away which we had never done before, and a double win against Purley Bury this season.

I would like to thank all the men for making themselves available during the season which makes team selection a lot easier. My thanks go to Brian Wilson and his team for making sure we had a first class green to play on. Also, to Janet Ansell, Alison Griffiths and the one-day events committee for arranging our one-day competitions which took the pressure off the captains. My thanks to Paul Kimber for his efforts to trying to sort out our new on-line booking system. Let’s hope the problems have been sorted out and that it will be smooth next season.

Finally, it’s been an honour to have been captain of this great club and I hope that whoever takes on the captain’s role next season enjoys a lot of success and if he requires any help, they should not hesitate to ask me.

Tony was thanked for his report although he was not there.

Ladies Captain Lawn Bowls

Liz Cargil said she could not start without congratulating the Ladies for coming second in the Ladies ESL league, loosing by just three points to Sutton. We enjoyed a well earned chip and butty supper with prosecco and a lovely cocktail made by David File aptly called Ladies on Tope I would like thank the ladies who put their names down to play and especially the new ladies who came down on Tuesday evening. I hope they continue to come next season and I’m sure it helped us play better. May be we can win it next season. wish the new ladies captain and her deputy all the best for next season.

Weil done to Tessa and Denise for winning the Marathon Pairs for the second year running. Good luck for next year if you decide to enter again.

I cannot finish without thanking Brian Wilson and his team for all that hard work done on the green. We constantly get complimented on the green from visiting clubs. I know it takes a lot of hard work so thank you. I also need to thank Alison Griffiths who sorted out all the fixture cards and also any job I asked her to do. It certainly made my job easier, and not forgetting Ian who fixed all the fixture cards together. Thank you also to Eileen and Peter O’Mally for their hard work on the flower beds.

Short Mat Captain

I would like to welcome any new member and hope you are enjoying the game. It is a shame we can only fit two mats in as I know some are finding difficult to get a game but we are open seven days a week so hopefully you can get some practice. Coaching is always available and while on coaching, we will be arranging a short mat coaching session in the new year for any member whishing to attend. A form will go out shortly. We have members going through a coaching course now so we will have more coaches available.

Tuesday and Thursday League has proved very popular, so much so some members can’t get a game so we will have to look at possibly another day for morning or afternoon.

The internal competitions are all underway and I understand are up to date. The Hawkes, Ravens and Robins are all through to the knock out cup and I wish them well, there is a way to go yet. I also wish Allan Weller good luck as he takes over as short mat captain next season.

Lastly thanks go to David File who is the font of all knowledge when it comes to bowls, To Allan

Weller for chasing up games to be plaid, to Alison for all her help with administration and Jan Ledwich who had to take over a captain when I was indisposed and Colin Squires for stepping in as short mat secretary and is doing a brilliant job.

Youth Team (Sarah Keller)

WE now have a youth team of 10 with ages ranging from 8 to 15yr who regularly train together. Because of the limitations of space, we have had to limit the number to ten so we are at maximum limit. Coach co-ordinator Elaine Fawcett has taken a keen interest on how we can help individuals progress beyond friendly competitions. I’m looking forward to working with her on this in the new year. We are also developing our coaching programme as Jan and myself pick up new ideas from our Bowls England coaching course. Thanks to the club and its members for their support for developing a youth team and thanks to Carol, Liz and Coral for their help.

Liz and Sarah were thanked for their reports

In the NDL mixed triples league Horley came fourth. We could have come higher if more men applied as we tend to have two ladies and a man whereas all the other teams have two men and a lady. There is talk about having two leagues like the ESL but that will be debated in 2024.

To Agree the 2024/25 club subscriptions and fees:

Steve A-W reported club fees had been discussed by the committee at length. This was due because the membership fee included affiliation fees for Bowls England, Bowls Surrey, and Short Mat Bowls West Sussex. All three organisations have increased their fees and given notice that fees will rise each year from now on. The question of how to deal with this and future fee increases. Different options were discussed and the proposal was to have three membership rates with an increase to cover this year’s round of increases and possibly next year. 1. Full member E120.OO, 2. Lawn bowls only El 10.00 and 3. Short Mat only E30.OO. This proposal was put to the members rather than charging members affiliation fees separately. Members unanimously agreed to accept the committees proposal.

Election of officers:

Bob Stent advised members that nominations had been received for all posts except Short Mat Vice Captain and Admin Manager. Only one nomination had been received for each of the other posts, including nominations for the existing committee members who were prepared to stand. It was suggested that a vote be taken on-block, which was agreed unanimously. The new committee’s Chair would be Sue Hudgell.

Approve selection of Trustees:

Steve A-W advised members under the constitution there was no vote for Trustees as existing Trustees remain Trustees until they leave the club.

Election of Auditor:

Richard Harrington was again nominated as Auditor unopposed. A show of hands was unanimous for Richard to be Auditor.

Alteration to 2021 club constitution as required by Bowls England:

Bob Stent reported that the proposed changes had been circulated and the changes represented a tidying up exercise of the 2021 constitution to make the constitution more workable.

Any Other Business:

Ron Hudson raised the question of vaping/smoking being extended to the club house and surrounds of the green (section 10.4 of constitution). Steve said this came about because visiting club members were vaping during matches.

Allan Weller said he was looking for someone to take over the Jubilee League which is for new members who want to start playing in matches.

Ivor Gillespie reported that at the Border League AGM, there was an amendment to the Cup rules stating that the home team must offer a choice of rinks to the away team.

Steve A-W informed members that following a proposal to change the club kit, a committee meeting took place on the 13th November which included representation from the working party asked to update the club kit, took place. Following a high majority vote to change the team kit, Steve A-W confirmed the choices had been reduced to three options and asked members to choose one of the three. The three choices were on the club notice board. The question of matching shorts/trousers/skirts was discussed and the committee were recommending that shorts/trousers/skirts be decided at the end of the season for two reasons. one, was to see how the shirts washed and second the men’s ESL league had just voted to play in white below the waist and the mixed triples league voted to play in grey below the waist.

To help the transition the committee was proposing the club give each existing member one free shirt, additional shirts to be purchased at full price. The question of what about existing shirts was asked and Steve said these could be used for internal club competitions and roll ups. This was accepted by the membership.

There being no other business, the meeting ended at 11.07am

Signed                                                                           Date

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