Club Committee Meeting – 11 Sept 2023

                                                                 HORLEY BOWLING CLUB


HELD AT 11 am ON MONDAY 11th September 2023 AT THE CLUBHOUSE


Present: L Cargill, B. Stent, T. Buckee, D. File, J. Ansell, P. Kimber, B. Wilson, L. Conroy, S. Aylin-White, J. Ledwich


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Farley, A. Griffiths

The minutes of the meeting held on 31st July were approved. Proposed by Liz Conroy and seconded by Brian Wilson.


The question of etiquette on the green was raised as it was felt newer members were unaware of how to conduct themselves during play. It was agreed a scheme of development for members would be introduced for next season and a working group would be set up in consultation with the club coaches to cover the different aspects of etiquette on the green.

Ray Bateman expressed his disappointment he was unable to attend the Bateman Cup competition as he had a prior engagement. He was not told in advance of the competition date so was unable to attend. Ray asked to be given advance notice next year. Ray will come to the closing drive which is due to be about 4.30pm. Ray said he will also consider supporting a new club strip instead of another competition. It was stated two of our ladies (Tessa and Denise) were happy to propose some deigns for approval. Club shirts and matching shorts would be the strip for players in ESL games to start with.


Bob advised all internal correspondence had been dealt with and the external correspondence had been emails from WSCSMBA the short mat association in connection, with the 2024 season. All emails were passed on to the short mat Captain, Vice-Captain and short mat Secretary.

Bob also wrote to Helen Mann at Horley council regarding parking problems and asked for signage to stop drivers parking in front of the barrier which prevented members removing their cars.


Paul advised the bank balance was now standing at £38,932.53 due to membership fees coming in for next season. The bar was doing particularly well bringing in £2,846.55. Purchase of new club clothing stock of £1,835.00 was recorded and it was hoped this would be reduced soon by the number of new members joining the club. Paul asked where the winning tokens for competitions should be recorded. It was agreed a game expenditure column be added so crisps and biscuits could be record as a cost as well. Paul asked for approval of option 6 for the new electricity contract to cover three years and the committee approved this as the best option. Paul was thanked for his report.


Liz Conroy reported that 14 new members joined the club since the beginning of this season along with 3 new junior members, however there was concern about the reduced membership fee and how it is applied. Following discussion, it was agreed that in future the £50 reduced fee for new members would be reduced by £10 for each month of the outdoor playing season gone so, if a new member joined in August, they would pay £20 for August and September with the new membership year starting in October. Membership renewals have been sent out and about £1,200 has been received so far in membership fees. Liz was thanked for her report.


Brian reported that thanks to the excellent green preparation for some of the Surrey finals, contestants and spectators appreciated the state of the green. Brian hoped, weather permitting, end of season work would start on 25th September and with top dressing being done ‘in house’ there would be a saving of £700. A time table of works will be published. Steve A-W would remove the shelter covers with support. Brian also reported that he had been approached by the Match Secretary of Surrey Presidents and the Past Presidents Association for the club to host two games between Surrey Presidents and Bedfordshire Presidents on Tuesday 30th July and Surrey Past Presidents and Sussex Past Presidents on Thursday 15th August. Both are six rink matches with refreshments and a post-match meal for a total of 60 people. A fee of £9.00 per person will be paid to the club, plus bar takings should make the events financially worthwhile to the club. The committee agreed to host the events. Brian was thanked for his report.


Steve A-W reported that the ‘beehive’ had been removed and some boards had been replaced. The ‘short mat’ room door direction is to be reversed so entry and exit will be easier for moving equipment in and out. Steve asked if an electrical on-line heater to the sink in the ladies was needed and it was decided there was no need for a heater. Steve was thanked or his report

Match Secretary’s Report:

Bob Stockwell reported that two propositions for the ESL AGM were being tabled, one was for a 2pm start and the second was that all matches be played in club shirts and white trousers/shorts except for those clubs who have trousers to match their team shirts. It was also suggested that in line with both county and National competitions we should consider playing 18 ends.

Bob also raised the question by members that the club should enter the East Surrey Triples League to give more players a chance to play in a league. This would consist of 8 matches to be played on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. It was also felt there were too many competitions played in August and perhaps some could be moved to another time. After some discussion it was felt the club was already in three leagues and finding members for an additional eight league games would put pressure on the green and some members to participate, so the club should not join. Bob provided free dates for one day events for the 2024 season, including finals day and the club closing drive. The provisional dates will be passed on to the One Day Events Team. Bob was thanked for his report. Action Bob Stockwell


Alison Griffiths advised that the youth group advertising had been completed. The short mat fixture card is just waiting for an updated membership list which may be some time. Elaine Fawsett has agreed to sort out the Bowlr web site for short mat. Alison said she would not be physically available for about 10 days but can be contacted by email. Alison was thanked for her report and wished well. Action Elaine Fawsett – October


Janet Ansell reported that the line dance was a success and some of the dances will be included in the club’s birthday party on 29th September. The bingo date is still to be finalised. The Christmas Dinner Dance at Grattons will be finalised with Costas at Grattons very soon. Janet was thanked for her report. Action Janet Ansell


David advised that both the Line Dance and Barn Dance were good events for the bar, well done the bar people. The club has purchased an ice making machine which has proved to be a real asset. David was thanked for his report.


Liz Cargill advised Ivor Gillespie is not available at present but Sarah Kellar has completed an on-line safeguarding course so there are two Safeguarding Officers but a man would be welcome as well. Liz was thanked for her report.


Captain’s Report – Men. Tony Buckee Advised the club ended the season at fourth place in the ESL again. Our club beat Purley Bury twice and Old Coulsdon away. Brian Farley thanked teams for winning the double of North Downs League (NDL) and the cup. There were complaints about the NDL league rules. Some clubs wanted to play single sex teams if they needed to. It was the view of this club that rules are rules and mixed means mixed. Questions were asked by members how the handicap scores were calculated as some were seen as unfair. The competitions committee is made up of the two captains, two vice-captains who can co-opt other support. Tony and Brian were thanked for his report.

For the Ladies, Liz Cargill said they had won their game on Saturday against Old Coulsdon, a good win. At the moment, the ladies are top of the ESL league. It may change but even so the ladies enjoyed a nice evening with chip butties and prosecco to celebrate and David File made a cocktail called Ladies on Top which went down well. Liz said players had been selected for short mat teams and members wishing to play in league games have been selected with reserves as there was many members wishing to play. It is hoped some friendly games can be arranged to meet demand; coaching will also be available. Liz reported the youth team was coming along well. Some girls have joined and one girl is looking very promising. It will be interesting to see how they manage on the short mat. Liz thanked Sarah, Jan, Coral and Quin for all their efforts giving up their Saturdays. Liz was thanked for her report.


  • Although hosting the Middleton Cup games was an honour, it was not possible to provide the facilities needed to provide the events so the club turned down the offer.
  • There was a vote of thanks to the One Day Events Team for their Hard work.
  • A new sign saying No running on the green to include No vaping/smoking will be ready for next season. Action new sign.
  • There was a new Umpires Kit in the club house.
  • A new Defib course is planned for 28th September.
  • It was agreed to accept the £100 increased insurance policy by our current provider.
  • Minutes to be placed in folder with reports –Action Bob Stent
  • A review of the on-line match system to be made at the end of outdoor season. Action Committee
  • It was agreed the captain of the day was responsible for enforcing the no smoking/vaping rule. Larger signs to be displayed. – Action Steve A-W

There being no other items, the meeting closed at 1:14 pm


Date of next meeting – Monday 23rd October at 10:00 am at the clubhouse.


Signed                                                                          Date

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