10:00 am 17/03/2024 Clubhouse
IN ATTENDANCE: Sue Hudgell (SH), Bob Stent (BS), Steve Aylin-White (SA-W), Paul Kimber (PK), Bob Stockwell (BS), David File (DF) Liz Conroy (LCo), Brian Farley (BF), Dave Martin (DM), Jan Ledwich (JL), Denise George (DG), Liz Cargill (LCa), Colin Squires (CS), Janet Ansell (JA), Alison Griffiths (AG)
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Brian Wilson (BW), Alan Weller (AW)
Alex Bennett’s Recognition Of Life Event
- JA and SA-W were meeting to discuss the details and renaming the opening drive, in recognition of Alex’s and Nan’s contribution to club.
Buying a clubhouse computer
- AG explained the computer had been bought and was set up.
- It was agreed AG and PK would have full admin rights.
- DG said the bar rota didn’t need to go on the website or on member’s site.
New Kit
- DG explained the kit had arrived, been tagged up with original order sheet and would be avaible for members to get this week. For those who had purchased an extra shirt, the price would be £25 for adults and £20 for youths. DG also offered to keep a book in clubhouse for members to request additional shirts. DG would then do a bulk order periodically and in time once set up, members could purchase from the online shop, but they would then have to pay postage and package.
Role Descriptions – progress
- SH explained that thanks to PK and BW, PH’s original draft role descriptions had been retrieved. AG circulated the drafts with the sentence about their role which is in the constitution and asked for those in the role to comment whether it properly covered their role. AG also asked committee members to look at the old PR JD and her new one.
- Comments on role descriptions to be sent back to AG in next two weeks.
Revised Constitution -Update
- The AGM on 9 December 2023 agreed the amendments to the constitution and the minutes need to reflect that the changes were voted on and agreed. There was inconsistency in the way items are presented. The rules were separated from the constitution in 2021, therefore adding a new rule to the constitution is not appropriate and 10.4 should be part of the rules and not part of the constitution.
- The original rules have not been reviewed in 6 years and should be reviewed and brought into line with existing practice.
- To update the constitution and put the proposed Miscellaneous 10.4 in the rules.
- Review the rules and competition guidelines and bring back to the committee for approval’
2 Bowls Summer Internal Competition
- 2 Bowls competition will be organised by the Men’s Captain and will be run in August/September. It will be two bowls and 21 ends, with the final 16 playing in a final one day event on 21 September.
Decision Items
- SH introduced the paper and asked whether these fees were appropriate for the 2024 Lawn Bowling season. DF explained the cost to the club of the current free tea/coffee and biscuits position. It was agreed that a charge of £1.00 be made. Annex 1 sets out the fee policy for both Short Mat and Lawn Bowls.
- Fees policy to be put on the website and on notice boards in clubhouse.
- SH introduced the paper and thanked everyone for their contribution. LCa explained this more relaxed dress code was the way it was going because it was more inclusive and would be more appealing to young people. SA-W asked who was to monitor it and committee members responded with suggestions that it was for captains plus all members to say something if a member was unintentionally inappropriately dressed. DG pointed out the need to change bottoms to trousers for the West Sussex Short Mat league.
- The proposed new dress code was agreed:
Dress Code – Agreed 17 March 2024
Lawn Bowling
- Interclub matches, internal finals and one day events – Club Kit (Club shirt and navy-blue bottoms)
- Roll-ups, Youth and Friendship leagues and internal competitions – comfortable suitable clothes
- Recognised bowls shoes or flat bottom shoes
Short Mat Bowling
- West Sussex matches Club Kit (Club shirt and grey trousers) and Proprietary bowling shoes
- Internal Finals – Club Kit (Club shirt and navy-blue bottoms)
- Roll-ups, Youth and Friendship leagues and internal competitions – comfortable suitable clothes
- Recognised bowls shoes or flat bottom shoes
- Dress Code policy to be put on the website and on notice boards in the clubhouse
- SH introduced the paper and thanked committee members for their contribution. SA-W on behalf of the Green Manager explained that, in addition to what was described in the paper, the situation has become worse because of our obligation to host Surrey competitions. Numbers were discussed and PK suggested maybe it would be better to look at those who are affiliated, as this number covered those who were likely to require playing time and was a smaller number and as such probably manageable.
- DF explained that if a home green was unavailable Surrey competition players could play at the opponents’ grounds. There may be new members who have had their coaching but didn’t know where to go next, but this could be overcome through a development programme. SH suggested we were not yet in the position to agree to cap membership and would return to this topic once it was seen what happens in April/May this year.
- Committee members to feed back any issues raised by members about not being able to get a game etc.
- Development programme to be discussed at the next meeting.
SH and JL introduced the paper. SH thanked JL, SK and AG for their work. SH asked whether the policy could come first and whether we needed a GDPR policy especially about keeping sensitive data? JL felt they had that in hand. DG said she had some comments which she would pass on to AG and JL.
- The policy was adopted.
- To adopt Bowls England Safeguarding policy for adults and review and adapt for the club.
AG circulated the new 2024 Lawn Bowling Fixture Card and asked for comments. It was agreed it should be handed out at the Captains’ pre-season meetings to be held on 19 April 2024
- Comments to AG by 25 March 2024
Officers’ Reports
- BS had actioned all correspondence and was waiting on further information to complete the updated constitution.
- Most of the fixtures for next season have been confirmed and AG will be producing the fixture cards again.
- Arrangements were in hand for the Hove trip, and it was suggested that a stop at Brighton before the match might be fun.
- There was a request to change one of the early season matches.
- BS to arrange a stop off in Brighton.
- To arrange a change of venue for one of the early matches.
- PK tabled the finance report.
- The table detailed the expenditure and income to date.
- PK drew the committee’s attention to the increased cost of heating over the Winter months.
- PK explained that there had been more expenditure in the last two months.
- The paper demonstrated that the club was in a healthy financial position.
- Men’s Captain (BF) reported that everything was in hand for the new season.
- The pre-season Captains’ meeting would also include a draw, so applications needed to be in before that meeting. The meeting would also be used to hand out the 2023 Winners Trophies.
- BF was establishing a 2 woods competition to be played in the latter part of the season.
- The competition group would meet to see how the entries were progressing and arrangements for the competitions were in hand.
- DG reported that the handicap definition and process is part of the competition guidelines and when updated the handicap definition will be included in such and be available on the website.
- Ladies Captain (JL) reported everything was in hand for the new season.
- They would continue with the Tuesday evening sessions for training and development of women players.
- JL reported the Junior squad was growing and is now 11 players.
- LCa reported that SK would cap the youth squad.
- Congratulations to Dave Martin for winning the Friendship League and Arthur Austin for coming second in his first year of playing.
- Friendship League was attracting high numbers and was very successful. To cope with increasing numbers, it is extending to three mornings each week next season – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
- LCa thanked Brian Hudgell and Sue Pears for running it.
- AW was doing well running the internal games.
- The league was coming to an end and the teams did well, with the Hawks coming second in their league.
- LCa’s last day as Captain will be finals day on 7 April.
- LCa is still doing a substantial amount of coaching.
- SH thanked LCa for all her hard work on short mat bowling.
- Membership was 144.
- Already had interest from 2 new people for this season.
Noted from written report:
- Green preparation continues as best we can during the weather windows.
- It’s been the wettest February in recent times and the green is holding up reasonably well.
- Provided we get a more settled period in March, we can keep on track with our Spring Programme of works.
- Final Green and Ground Prep – week commencing 8 April and will co-ordinate with SA-W in pulling a small team together.
- The Green Edge Surround work is now complete and the numbers and dividers are being upgraded in-house to provide a much more robust fixing.
- Minor works continuing.
- Still have issues on doing the Honours boards.
- Ditch boards have been replaced.
- Found a supplier to do rink markers and numbers and they should be ready for the beginning of the season. However, they need some work done on site to make them fit.
- Wall heaters have ben replaced but some further communication is needed on usage.
- 2 new Juniors notice boards are now in the foyer – these were donated by a parent.
- Volunteers are needed to help with the setting up.
- AG updates were included in matters arising from minutes.
- Access to the website was discussed and it was agreed that AG should also have access to amend and add material on the website.
- AG to be given admin rights for the website.
- JA said everything was in hand and the group was meeting soon to discuss.
- JA reported the Quiz has good numbers.
- A programme of activities for the Summer and Autumn was in hand.
- Elvis and Curry night had been arranged for 28 March 2024.
- Now that the Chancellor has announced in his latest budget that alcohol duty and VAT will not be increased we have a much clearer view regarding Bar pricing.
- During the past twelve months the wholesale price of lagers, beers and wine have all risen.
- If we are to achieve the same percentage margin on our sales in this coming year, we need to increase the selling price of some sixteen items by 25p. This equates to a potential profit of £700.00 over the twelve-month period.
- We also propose to standardise the pricing and measure of all spirits to £2.00 for 50ml. This will make little difference to overall takings but gives greater clarity to our offer.
- Prices to go up by 25p.
- To standardise pricing of spirits.
- No issues to report.
- Agreed to send letter of congratulations to our young member who has gained their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.
- Future meeting dates: Saturday 11 May, Tuesday evening 6pm 17 July, Monday evening 6 pm 17 September, 17 November, 19 January
- Forward look – next meeting to include substantive items on:
- Development Programme
- Financial authorisation
- Rules review – progress
Annex 1
Fees Policy from April 2024/5
Club Competitions – members | £3.00 each competition |
Match fees – home and away | £3.00 each match |
Self-organised roll-up | Free |
Social organised roll-up (Tue) | £2.00 /attendance – including tea/coffee & biscuits |
Lawns Bowls Friendship League (Thu)
Short Mat Friendship League (Mon/Tue/Thu) |
£3.00 /attendance – including tea/coffee and biscuits |
Visitors roll ups free | Free |
Locker rental | £10.00 |
Key for gate | £10.00 returnable |
Tea/coffee and biscuits for members | £1.00 |
Tea/coffee for visitors | £1.00 |
One day events | Various depending on food being provided |
Surrey Competition entry fee (these fees are set by Surrey) | £3.50 each competition per person |
Annex 2
Lawn Bowls Season 2024
CAPTAINS PRE-SEASON MEETING: Friday 19 April at 6.30pm
(note the prizes for last season’s Lawn Bowls will be awarded)
OPENING DRIVE Sunday 21 April
OPEN DAY Monday 6 May
RAY BATEMAN Sunday 26 & Monday 27 May
HUGH THORNTON Sunday 23 June
AUSSIE PAIRS Saturday 6 July
ALAN CAPPER Sunday 14 July
AWAY DAY Wednesday 31 July at Hove and Kingsway Bowling Club
PRESIDENTS DAY Sunday 4 August
ROY CROXTON Sunday 25 August
FINALS WEEKEND Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 September
CAPTAINS FUN DAY Saturday 14/15 September
2 WOOD FINAL Saturday 21 September
CLOSING DRIVE Saturday 28 September