HELD AT 10 am ON MONDAY 30th October 2023 AT THE CLUBHOUSE
Present: L Cargill, B. Stent, D. File, J. Ansell, P. Kimber, B. Wilson, L. Conroy, S. Aylin-White, J. Ledwich, B. Stockwell
The minutes of the meeting held on 11th September were approved. Proposed by Bob Stockwell and seconded by Janet Ledwich.
Nominations for this year’s committee were discussed and it was agreed most already on the committee would be standing for the coming year except Tony Buckee who had been mens captain for two years and Liz Cargil who had been Ladies captain. Janet Ledwich would offer to take on Ladies captain and Brian Farley would take on Mens captain. Denise George would take on Ladies Vice captain and Dave Martin would take on Mens Vice captain. Peter Gay also offered to be vice captain but said he did not use computers. Allan Weller would take on Short Mat captain. All to be approved at the AGM with the other officers.
The question of changing the club’s team strip was on the agenda to be discussed later.
Bob Stent advised all internal correspondence had been dealt with and the external correspondence had been emails from WSCSMBA the short mat association in connection, with the 2024 season. All emails were passed on to the short mat Captain, Vice-Captain and short mat Secretary.
Paul advised the bank balance was now standing at £44,246.60 due to membership fees coming in for next season. The bar was doing particularly well bringing in a further £1,243.02 since last month, thanks to short mat events. Paul was thanked for his report.
Liz Conroy reported that 4 new short mat members have joined the club. Membership renewals have been sent out and fees are coming in but 3 full members have not been heard from yet. Liz was thanked for her report.
Brian reported that thanks to the green team the green was looking very good. Top dressing had been done, the team and members had helped clean and prepare the surrounds at a cost of about £300. Brian was thanked for his report.
Steve A-W reported that a green surround hooking system was going to be used to make it easier for moving rinks, also, if numbers were knocked off to find the centre of the rink again. Steve was also looking at scoreboard stabilisers and blinds maintenance in the club house. The surrounds maintenance would be a cost of about £300. Steve was thanked or his report
Match Secretary’s Report:
Bob Stockwell reported that the 2024 season would start on 27th April and all games to end on 30th August. The club Finals Day(s) would be 7th and 8th September. The Eastbourne club trip would be 31st July. Bob was thanked for his report.
Discussion took place regarding the role of the Publicity Manager and it was felt the role was now more of an Administration Manager. Alison Griffiths advised she would ‘shadow’ the role for a year and Brian Wilson said he would act as mentor for the role.
Janet Ansell reported that the 110th Anniversary Party went really well with Claire Frost-Gaskin’s wonderful cake being one of the highlights. Numbers for bingo on 18th November are good. We will be charging £8 entry for 6 games plus pizza slices. The will be £10 paid for a line and £20 or a whole card. An extra game with an optional £1 will take place with the winner for a full house taking all the taking of the game. The Christmas Dinner Dance at Grattons are looking good. The cost will be £35 per head. Grattons have had an £80 deposit. Janet gave a short report on behalf of the one day events team advising Open Drive 21st April, Open Day 6th May, Bateman Trophy 26th and 27th May, Hugh Thornton 23rd June, Aussie Pairs 6th July, Alan Capper 14th July, President’s Day 4th August, Ray Croxton 25th August, Finals Week-end 7th and 8th September, Captain’s Fun Day 14th September, Closing Drive 28th September. Lastly, Janet said Mel ? Janet was thanked for her report.
David advised that the bar had a successful year and a lot of that was down to Denise George and her team for their work. David thanked Paul Kimber for changes to the accounts lines which made it easier to manage costs. David was thanked for his report and overseeing the bar.
Liz Cargill advised that 4 members were currently taking the level 1 coaching course which would take pressure off the existing coaches if a development coaching programme is to be launched next year. Liz to confirm DBS and safeguarding title however for green matches only. There is coaching for short mat on Tuesday taking place now. Liz was thanked for her report.
No report from the men’s outdoor section. No report from the lady’s outdoor section. Liz Cargil advised that the short mat was going ok, Robins were doing well.
- A list of committee nominations was circulated and would be placed on the notice board for members to nominate names who agree to stand. Members would be informed of the closing date.
- Suggested review of club shirts to have meeting on 13th
- Bowls Surrey MATCH system was discussed and with changes made by Bowls Surrey it was decided to stay with the system with 11 votes for and 1 vote against.
- Names were being taken for experienced bowlers to help with a club bowls development team, Graham Thomson and Peter Gay have offered to help
- Liz Cargill said she had put charity boxes in the clubhouse for Prostate Cancer.
- Ladies and Men’s ESL delegates are Denise George and Bob Stockwell. Surrey County are Brian Wilson and Elaine Fawcett and Brian Farley for Boarder League.
- After discussion it was agreed to stop charging for tea and coffee as the club received very little income and it was an administrative burden to manage it. Short mat fees which included tea/coffee would continue.
- With affiliation fees rising each year from the county and Bowls England, it was agreed to separate out those fees from the membership fee as there had been no increase in club fees since before the covid lockdown of 2020. Members would be advised at the AGM of this action and asked to agree.
There being no other items, the meeting closed at 12:27 pm
This was the last meeting of 2023.
Signed Date