This is a selection of links to useful pages within this website. Click on the title to view
Your Committee members
Your Coaches
Bowling Opportunities
Standard Rink Schedule (or ‘What’s on the green today’)
How do I book a rink for my compeititions (I know I cannot book for social rollups)
Rink Opening Times & Direction of Play
How do I register for One-Day bowling events – i.e. Non Inter-Club matches
Payments to the Club
Club Fees
Lanw Bowling Glossary
Who can I go to ask specific questions about the club?
I’m a new member – more information please
What are the general club rules?
Where can I find the minutes of Committee meetings?
Can I get help with the Club online groups (Facebook & SIGNAL)
How do I do…..?
Am I on the cleaning rota?
How do I purchase Club shirts
Is there a list of lockers?
2024 Surreys Competitition entrants
2024 Club Competitition entrants