Club Competitions Guide

(Updated September 2024)


4 bowls, 21 shots

100 UP

4 bowls – First player to reach 100 points wins. Points are scored as follows. Shot wood 4 points, 2nd wood 3 points, 3rd wood 2 points, and 4th wood 1 point.

Tied Bowls

If tied for shot – end declared DEAD – no points awarded

If tied for Second shot – shot bowl only counts – 4 points only awarded

If tied for Third shot – first and second bowls count – 7 point only awarded

If tied for Fourth shot – first, second and third bowls count – 9 points awarded


4 Bowls (each player), 18 ends

Gent’s Handicap/Ladies Anniversary Cup Handicap

4 bowls, 21 shots. Contestants with the same handicap will score 21 shots. Opponents with different handicaps will score as follows: Prior to the first end X shots will be added to the lower handicapped contestants score where X equals the higher handicap minus the lower handicap.

Ladies 2 Woods

2 bowls, 21 ends. Only one bowler can score on each end, the bowler whose bowl(s) are nearest and within 1 yard of the jack.  If there are no shots within 1 yard of the jack the end counts and both bowlers score zero. In the event of a non-scoring end the order of play remains the same as the previous end.

– Mixed Club Competitions –


4 bowls (each player), 18 ends.  If more of any gender enter, any entrants not able to be paired up will have their fee refunded.

Crawley Boys (CB) Trophy

4 bowls, 21 shots, mixed singles. Open to all members that have not won a  singles competition at Horley Bowling Club or any other bowling club in the last 12 years.

Horley Town Cup (HTP/HTC)

4 bowls, mixed singles. Shot bowl only to score on each end. First player to reach 8 shots wins.

2 Wood Singles

2 bowls, 21 ends, mixed singles. In the event of the scores being equal when all ends have been played, an extra end shall be played until a decision is reached.

Note: The Final 16 will play at a ‘Final 2 Wood Day’ (towards the end of the season – please check you are available on such date prior to entering)

All the above competitions are played in accordance with the Lawn Bowling Club Competition Rules available on the website.

Friendship League

To qualify for trophies members must take part on 10 x Thursdays. Depending on numbers, format is 2 bowl fours or 3 bowl triples.

– Mixed One Day Club Competitions * –

Alan Capper Memorial Pairs

2 bowl pairs.  All players will be seeded, and drawn, with each pair playing 3 sets of 6 ends. The 4 pairs with the highest shot difference will play a 6 ends semi-final leading to a 6 ends final.

Bateman Trophy (two day event)

2 bowl singles.  This starts with all entrants playing in a league on the first day. Scores are recorded with some other details such as shots scored and ends won.  The final 16 proceed to a knock out stage held the following day where the winner is the first to reach 13 shots.

Ray Croxton Triples Trophy

2 bowl triples.  All players will be seeded then drawn, with each triple playing 3 sets of 6 ends. The 4 triples with the highest shot difference will play a 6 end semi-final leading to a 6 end final.

Hugh Thornton Centenary Trophy

2 bowl fours.  All players will be seeded then drawn, with each four playing 3 sets of 6 ends. The 4 teams with the highest shot difference will play a 6 end semi-final leading to a 6 end final.


Aussie Pairs ….

Club Plate ….

Alex & Nan Bennett 2-Woods Open

Captain’s Fun Day

Champion of Champions

Closing Drive

Opening Drive

President’s Day


* Note: For all Mixed One Day Club Competitions the format may change depending on the conditions on the day and/or the number of entrants.




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