2024 Club fees (from April 2024/5 )

Fees Policy from April 2024/5


Club Competitions – members  £3.00 each competition
Match fees – home and away £3.00 each match (includes after match crisps or biscuits)
Lawn Bowls Self-organised roll-up Free
Social organised roll-up (Tue) £2.00 -attendance – including tea/coffee & biscuits
Lawns Bowls Friendship League (Thu) £3.00 – attendance – including tea/coffee and biscuits
Locker rental £10.00
Key for gate £10.00 returnable
Tea/coffee and biscuits for members Tea/Coffee 50p/Biscuits 50P
Tea/coffee for visitors Tea/Coffee 50p/Biscuits 50P
One day events Various depending on food being provided
Surrey Competition entry fee (these fees are set by Surrey) £3.50 each competition per person
Jubilee League entry Fee (these fees are set by League) £3.50 each per person each match


Draft Short Mat to be agreed
Short Mat Roll Ups £2.00 per session
Short Mat Friendship League (Mon/Tue/Thu) £3.00 attendance and Tea/coffee biscuits
Club Competitions – members 
Match fees – home and away

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