2023 Competition results – Short Mat


Winner Score Runner(s) Up Score

OUTDOOR – 2023

Club  Competitions

Ladies Championship Denise George Sarah Kellar
Ladies 100 Up Denise George Elaine Fawcett
Ladies Handicap Sarah Kellar Denise George
Ladies 2 Woods Cherie Banfield Denise George
Gents Championship Brian Wilson Grahame Thomson
Gents 100 Up Grahame Thomson Tony Buckee
Gents Handicap Martin Stretton Grahame Thomson
Gents Pairs Dave Martin &Bob Stockwell Brian Wilson & Allan Weller
Mixed Pairs Bob Stent & Rose Pursey Denise George & Steve Wilson
CB Trophy Allan Weller Phiil Deighton
HTC Grahame Thomson Brian WIlson
Club Plate Mark Clark Tony Thomas
Champion of Champions Denise George Brian Wilson

One Day Competitions

Monday, 1st May 2023 Alan Capper Pairs Peter Gay & Paul Kimber Lally King & Martin Stretton
Sunday, 25th June 2023 Hugh Thornton Memorial Trophy Peter Gay, Tessa Loader, Pat Gilbert & Guy Mankelow Bob Stent, Tony Geard, Elaine Hudson & Ken Whittles
Sunday, 13th August 2023 Ray Croxton Triples

Tony Buckee, Sarah Keller and Eileen O’Malley

Michael Ledwich, Martin Stretton & Claire Frost-Gaskin
Sunday, 27th August 2023 Bateman Trophy David File Brian Wilson

Other Events

Sunday, 16th April 2023 Opening Drive Gabriel Frisby, Peter Gay, & Sarah Kellar Ron Hudson, Bob Stent, Michael Weller & Claire Frost-Gaskin
Monday, 8th May 2023 Coronation Day Tony Buckee Alex Trimble
Saturday, 8th July 2023 Aussie Pairs Charity Day

Mark Clark & Mel Hoskins

Les Lightfoot & Freda Dixon

Sunday. 6th August 2023 President’s Day Grahame Thompson, Peter Hawksley & Sue Hudgell Tessa Loader, Steve Aylin-White, Michael Weller & Joseph Swain
Saturday, 9th September 2023 Captain’s Fun Day Dave Martin, Mel Hoskins and Tony Thomas Bob Stockwell, Claire Frost-Gaskin and Michael Ledwich
Saturday, 23rd September 2023 Closing Drive

Alex Trimble, Paul Tozer, Eleaknf & Allan Weller

Peter Pizzie, Martin Stretton & Sue Pears

Monday, 29th August 2023 Marathon Pairs Denise George & Tessa Loader
Gillian Murphy & Caroline East (Chipstead)
Summer Friendship League

Ken Whittles

Dave Martin

Sunday, 20th August 2023 The Files Fun Day

Ted Dearlove, Cherie Banfield, Richard Harrington & Peter Brownlow

Dave Martin (last man standing)

Jeanette Hodges, Freda Dixon, Francis O’Neil & Steve Aylin-White

Denise George (last man standing)

INDOOR – 2022/23

Friendship League

Winner David Martin
2nd Brenda Prince
3rd Sue Pears

Short Mat

Championship Tony Buckee 14 Carl Gillespie 8
80 UP David File 80 Steve Whiting 60
Pairs Carl Gillespie (for Francis O’Neil)
& Elaine Hudson
17 Tony Buckee & Ron Hudson 7
Plate Tessa Loader 18 Allan Weller 9

Mark Clark, Colin Hunt & Carole Lloyd


Elaine Hudson, Sarah Kellar & Jan Ledwich



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