This league aims to allow bowlers to play against members from other clubs in a friendly environment, helping them improve their bowls game by playing at different grounds and against different people. The main objective of the league will be to promote a fun and friendly atmosphere between the clubs.
The league will consist of four teams playing every Monday night in a time-boxed structure from 6 pm to 8 pm. The format is triples. The games will be hosted in rotation around the four clubs each week, so each club will have the opportunity to host the league three times during the summer season.
- There are no restrictions on the mix of genders playing in the teams
- There is no requirement to field the same players in each team every week, it is left to the participating club’s discretion.
- This is a competition for improving bowlers, therefore badged players are excluded from competition unless there are no alternative players available.
- Green fees will be £3.00 per person, payable to the club hosting the match
- The winning team are awarded two points, and one for a draw. If upon completion of the full program, two or more teams have the same number of points, shot difference will be considered to determine the overall winner and runner-up.
- If you cannot field a (full) team for any reason, please inform the Jubilee League coordinator as soon as possible to see if a replacement player can be found from another participating club.
- If due to bad weather conditions a game cannot be played, every effort should be made to re-arrange the game. The competition coordinator should be informed.
Rules Of Play
- All matches are played between 18:00 – 20:00 on a Monday
- Teams are asked to arrive at least 15 minutes before the match start. Any team arriving more than 10 minutes after the advertised start time of the game, will forfeit the game.
- One point is awarded on the first two ends, in lieu of no trial ends
- A bell will be sounded at 19:50 to signal the end of the match. If the jack has been cast (i.e., left the hand of the player) for delivery when the bell sounds, then the end must be completed.
- A maximum of fifteen ends are played, or until the bell sounds, whichever comes first
- If the jack is miscast it is positioned by the opposing tem. The opposing lead may reposition the mat if desired.
- No dead ends: if the jack goes out of play, one shot will be awarded to the non- offending team, and the end is counted as an end played.
- In the event of an emergency resulting in the abandonment of the game, the score will stand if five or more ends have been played, and if less than five ends, the game will be rescheduled.
- Skips must leave the head together; they cannot revisit the head.
- Scorecards should be signed by both skips and returned to the Jubilee League coordinator who will be on-site.
- Dress code: club colours may be worn, otherwise white shirts and, grey bottoms
Club Hosting Rota
The format and rules will be as above (the same as 2022). Three rinks of mixed triples will play on a Monday evening from 6-8 pm rotating around the host clubs. The rink fees will be £3 per person paid to the host club on the night. Refreshments to be offered post-match by the host club.
The dates for 2025 will be as follows:
All played at 18.00hrs – 3 MxT greys
Date | Venue | Home Team | Away Team |
02/06/25 | Redhill | Redhill Rockers | Bletchingley Bulldogs |
02/06/25 | Redhill | Warlingham Wickers | Rock N Bowl |
02/06/25 | Redhill | Caterham Crackers | Bowling Stones |
09/06/25 | Horley | Bletchingley Bulldogs | Bowling Stones |
09/06/25 | Horley | Caterham Crackers | Rock N Bowl |
09/06/25 | Horley | Warlingham Wickers | Redhill Rockers |
16/06/25 | Bletchingley | Bowling Stones | Redhill Rockers |
16/06/25 | Bletchingley | Warlingham Wickers | Bletchingley Bulldogs |
16/06/25 | Bletchingley | Rock N Bowl | Caterham Crackers |
23/06/25 | Warlingham Park | Warlingham Wickers | Caterham Crackers |
23/06/25 | Warlingham Park | Rock N Bowl | Redhill Rockers |
23/06/25 | Warlingham Park | Bletchingley Bulldogs | Bowling Stones |
30/06/25 | Caterham | Caterham Crackers | Redhill Rockers |
30/06/25 | Caterham | Bletchingley Bulldogs | Bowling Stones |
30/06/25 | Caterham | Rock N Bowl | Warlingham Wickers |
07/07/25 | Redhill | Rock N Bowl | Bowling Stones |
07/07/25 | Redhill | Warlingham Wickers | Redhill Rockers |
07/07/25 | Redhill | Caterham Crackers | Bletchingley Bulldogs |
Date | Venue | Home Team | Away Team |
14/07/25 | Horley | Bletchingley Bulldogs | Caterham Crackers |
14/07/25 | Horley | Redhill Rockers | Rock N Bowl |
14/07/25 | Horley | Bowling Stones | Warlingham Wickers |
21/07/25 | Bletchingley | Warlingham Wickers | Redhill Rockers |
21/07/25 | Bletchingley | Bowling Stones | Bletchingley Bulldogs |
21/07/25 | Bletchingley | Caterham Crackers | Rock N Bowl |
28/07/25 | Warlingham Park | Rock N Bowl | Caterham |
28/07/25 | Warlingham Park | Redhill Rockers | Bowling Stones |
28/07/25 | Warlingham Park | Warlingham Wickers | Blecthingley Bulldogs |
04/08/25 | Caterham | Rock N Bowl | Bowling Stones |
04/08/25 | Caterham | Warlingham Wickers | Caterham Crackers |
04/08/25 | Caterham | Bletchingley Bulldogs | Redhill Rockers |
11/08/25 | Redhill | Caterham Crackers | Redhill Rockers |
11/08/25 | Redhill | Bletchingley Bulldogs | Rock N Bowl |
11/08/25 | Redhill | Bowling Stones | Warlingham Wickers |
18/08/25 | Horley | Warlingham Wickers | Bowling Stones |
18/08/25 | Horley | Bletchingley Bulldogs | Redhill Rockers |
18/08/25 | Horley | Caterham Crackers | Rock N Bowl |
25/08/25 | Spare Date |
Spare date (in case of inclement weather earlier in the season and a game needing to be rescheduled)
Scorecards will be provided by the Jubilee League coordinator and brought to the matches.
The club hosting the match is responsible for:
- Reserving the three rinks for the matches
- Collecting the rink fees
- If you have a bar you may wish to open it, as there will always be at least eighteen bowlers in attendance!
Horley and Redhill will field two teams, Bletchingley and Warlingham one each.
Updated results will be posted weekly on a public page on the Bletchingley Bowling Club website, bletchingleybowls.co.uk
Please can you ensure these fixtures are put into your fixture’s booklets for next season and that three rinks have been booked out at your clubs on the Monday evenings when you are due to host.
On the last game of the season there will be a cup awarded to the top team in the table.