Short Mat Bowling 2024/25 – An Overview

For your Short Mat bowling enjoyment, Horley Bowling Club can offer: –

Click on a link, or scroll down

Standard sessions times
Rink System Prebooked sessions
Inter club leagues
Club Competitions
Friendship league
Tuesday night league
Social Triples [Wednesday] League
Dress Code
Fees Summary



New members will not be allowed on the mats until they have had initial coaching. Please contact the coaching co-ordinator, Liz Cargill (07983 823349‬) to arrange appropriate coaching sessions


£2.00 per person, per session

These are sessions that any paid-up member can make use of, providing there are no priority matches pre-booked. In order of priority these are -:

  1. National matches
  2. County matches
  3. Inter-club matches
  4. Club competition matches

Roll up sessions CANNOT be booked online, although they can be noted in the diary in the clubhouse. Check the website rink booking online diary BEFORE leaving for the Club to avoid disappointment.

You can book priority sessions – i.e. for your Club compeition matches, via the BOWLR app (which can be accessed on the top right of the website ‘Home’ page) or on the right-hand side of this page under (Members only) – or click HERE

Standard sessions times – can be Reserved (in the manual diary on the bar)

These are the standard session times that the mats are available. Note that sessions MAY already be booked for priority matches or pre-booked sessions 

Each day Time
Session 1 10.00am – 12.00pm
Session 2 12.00pm – 2.00pm
Session 3 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Session 4 4.00pm – 6.00pm
Session 5 6.30-close

Rink System Prebooked sessions

Day Time Session booked for..
Mondays 6:30pm to 8:30pm Hawks – Practice session
Tuesdays 10:00am to 12:00pm Friendship League matches
Tuesdays 6:30pm to 8:30pm Tuesday Night League matches
Wednesdays 10:00am to 12:00pm Friendly Roll-up sessions (all welcome)
Thursdays 10:00am to 12:00pm Friendship League matches
Fridays 6:30pm to 8:30pm Social Roll-up sessions (all welcome)
Saturdays 10:00am to 12:00pm Youth Team

Clubhouse opening/closing rota

Day Open Contact Close Contact
Sunday Liz Cargill 07983 823349‬ Steve Aylin-White 07549 514703‬
Monday Steve Aylin-White 07549 514703‬ Denise George 07584 394945‬
Tuesday Brian Hudgell/Sue Pears 07760 660292‬/07867 747400‬ Denise George 07584 394945‬
Wednesday Allan Weller 07955 161443‬ Steve Aylin-White 07549 514703‬
Thursday Brian Hudgell/Sue Pears 07760 660292‬/07867 747400‬ Allan Weller 07955 161443‬
Friday Denise George 07584 394945‬ Denise George 07584 394945‬
Saturday Sarah Kellar 07576 818122‬ David File 07484 665487‬

In the case of an emegency ONLY, please contact Steve Aylin-White on 07549 514703


Inter-club leagues

League £3.00 per player / Cup £3.00 per player paid to opponents

These are matches played by three Horley teams against teams from other clubs, in an officially organised league. The teams have already been selected     and the fixtures arranged

  • Hawks
  • Ravens
  • Robins

Club Competitions


£3.00 per player, per competition

Please note: Before booking competition matches on the BOWLR system please check the diary, or ask someone to do so for you


These are the internal club competitions, similar in concept to outdoor competitions, and are all knockouts in format


Friendship league

£3.00 per player, per attendance incl. Tea/coffee biscuits

This is an informal but competitive league, played on a Tuesday or Thursday morning. Players can play in this league on either of these days, but not both. See full details Friendship League 2024/5

Tuesday night league

£2.00 per player, per match

This is a very informal. fun evening league for all players More info

the teams are HERE

  • Ash – Captain Denise George 07584 394945
  • Sycamore – Ron Hudson 07812 047955
  • Birch – Elaine Hudson 07852 402735
  • Oak– Ian Griffith 07786 583440

Social Triples [Wednesday] League

The details of this league are yet to be announced but it will likely begin when the Tuesday night league finishes. It is envisaged to be played on a Wednesday afternoon – Register HERE


If you believe you have reached a suitable standard you can choose to enter County matches. For more details see the WSSMBA website


If you believe you have reached a suitable standard you can choose to enter National matches. For more details see the ESMBA website

Dress Code

  • All league and cup matches, club tops and greys waist down.
  • Friendlies, club colours
  • Internal competitions club colours only in Finals
  • Otherwise, smart casual and correct flat soled shoes.

Fees Summary

Rollups – £2.00 per person, per session
Inter-club leagues – League £3.00 per player, per match – paid to HBC / Cup £3.00 per player, per match – paid to opponents
Club Competitions – £3.00 per player, per competition
Friendship league – £3.00 per player, per match incl. Tea/coffee biscuits
Tuesday night league – £2.00 per player, per match
Triples League – TBA




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